Someone asked me last week, "Are you done with your (Christmas) shopping?" "I don't do any shopping" I replied and thought at the same time, "Wow, I said that same thing last year." This year I am being more mindful of how I celebrate the season, why and to what degree. I don't have a tree anymore - I got rid of it year before last. This is our second year without a tree. At least, a full size one. I have a pint sized artificial cutie maybe a foot and a half tall that sits on the sideboard. I pulled it out of the bin and it was still wearing its ornaments. Cool! I straightened them up a bit and added the few that had fallen off, but wow, that was easy. How much time did I save? I thought about getting a new tree but where would I put it? I would have to shove a couple of pieces of furniture aside. How do you fit yours? Do you have a tree-size open space all year long in your house just waiting for Thanksgiving so it can be filled with a decorative tribute to Christmas? Do you have a spot that is traditionally used and a specific piece of furniture that is put somewhere else? So I forced myself to NOT LOOK at the tree ads. Here are the questions I found myself asking: Why do you want a tree? The kids live elsewhere, grandkids are too distant and won't be visiting this year, we don't buy gifts that require a tree to exchange, so, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? Well, I don't know. I guess, it is only a big deal if I CHOOSE for it to be a big deal. Okay. I choose for it NOT to be a big deal. No tree this year. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. Time saved putting it up, taking it down and room saved by not having to store it. Okay, now for the bins and I am not going to divulge how many bins of Christmas decorations I own. You can count yours and figure mine are in the ballpark. I eliminated at least one last year. I am choosing to keep the ornaments for now, but I am considering getting rid of them, except for the sentimental ones like "Babies first Christmas". That would eliminate another bin. Is it worth the time it would take to sort them? After all, the bin is already re-stored in the shed. Okay, maybe not this year. I think I'll ask God, Should I sort my ornaments and get rid of some this year? Is that how You want me to spend my time? He will let me know. So now the old mind is really shifting into renewal mode. We are to be "Transformed by the renewing of our minds" according to Romans 12:2. We teach on this pretty often. What about Christmas? Do I need to renew my mind in relation to Christmas and the season? Do I need Christmas lights on my house to honor the birth of my Lord? Do I need eggnog, and cookies and Christmas Carols playing on my stereo to get into the "spirit" of the holiday? What exactly is the spirit of the holiday for? I love Jesus. I love that He was born a baby in Bethlehem to be my salvation. Do Christmas Carols make me love Him more? No. Is there a reason why I need to make this a six-week long celebration? The resurrection is where the power and authority come from. How long do we celebrate Easter? One day? A week? I find myself purposefully questioning where my holiday boundaries should be. A few years ago I started gifting cash to my children for Christmas. They are young adults making their way in the world sometimes struggling to make ends meet. My dad did that with us and at the time the money was really welcome. So now, I ask, does it make me a better parent if I give them money for Christmas? What exactly is the purpose of a Christmas present anyways? Does it say, "I love you"? Does it say, "I am a Christian who believes in Jesus as my Lord and savior?" Hmmm. But I do love my kids and I do believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. So I guess it is natural to want to give a gift in His name. I am just not sure if the old traditional ways meet my new transformed, renewed mind's requirements. I have put half of the lights back in the bin and stowed it for the season. I do love how they look. Like fireworks on the Fourth of July. The Fourth just isn't the same without fireworks. Christmas isn't the same without sparkly shiny lights and holiday clothes. Okay, so that is another thing. I have noticed this year that most of my friends don't dress in holiday clothes. I didn't get the memo. So I do. For now. Renew me O Lord and transform my mind in all things Christmas.